Terms Of Use

Last Updated: January 27, 2024

Welcome to dlvr2.me! By using our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

1. Allowed Uses Our service is designed for both personal and professional communication. You may use dlvr2.me for:

  • Sending and receiving emails from online services.
  • Communicating with friends, family, and acquaintances.
  • Corresponding with individuals you may not know personally.

2. Forbidden Uses The integrity and reputation of our service are paramount. As such, the following uses are strictly prohibited:

  • Sending spam or any form of unsolicited emails.
  • Harassing, threatening, or intimidating others through email.
  • Distributing emails containing viruses, malware, or any harmful code.
  • Sending emails with illegal content or that promote illegal activities.

3. Outage Policy We strive to maintain continuous service availability. However, there may be instances where dlvr2.me is not accessible. While we cannot guarantee 100% uptime, we commit to informing our users promptly about any service disruptions.

4. Service Guarantee

  • We do not guarantee uninterrupted service availability.
  • We do not assure that our service will be free of bugs or errors.
  • Delivery of all email messages cannot be guaranteed.
  • Use of dlvr2.me is at your own risk.

5. Termination of Service We reserve the right to terminate accounts that violate these terms without prior notice. Accounts terminated for breaching these terms are not eligible for refunds.

6. Changes to Terms dlvr2.me reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. While we endeavor to notify users of any significant changes, it is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for updates.

By continuing to use dlvr2.me, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use. Thank you for choosing dlvr2.me!